Members of Rotary Club Nalanda organized a free mega health check u. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda assembled for the Mega Vastra Vitran. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda assembled for the Mega Tree Plantati. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda assembled for the Awareness in Model. . .
We the members of RC Nalanda organised a huge rally with interact c. . .
Health awareness cum prize distribution held at hiranya parvat biha. . .
Five library installed at different schools provided by hundred boo. . .
A swimming competition was held at kathauli village , Noorsarai .
On the eve of navratra Members of Rotary Club Nalanda assembled for. . .
Tree plantation held at the godown premises of Sunita shree gas age. . .
We have distributed free spectacles to those students who have diag. . .
We have distributed carrom , chess , football etc and study materia. . .
members of Rotary Club Nalanda planted mango tree at sdo residence . . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda assembled for Tree Plantation. Proje. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda assembled for Vastra Vitran at Nalan. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda organized a PPH camp. Around 150 mor. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda planted 50 mango trees.
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda celebrated Teachers Day in IMA Hall,. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda assembled for tree plantation at Vil. . .
A free eye check up was held at Utkarmit madhya vidayala Bhaisasur,. . .
A PPH camp was organized at Subhash park. Free blood sugar, bp,heig. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda organized a Awareness program. Girls. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda distribution 500 saplings of Mango,M. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda organized Vastra Vitran at Nalanda R. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda organized a pph camp, free blood sug. . .
Members of Rotary Club Nalanda organized a cloth distribution progr. . .
Dental checkup was organized for the kids of Whizkids play school. . . .
A pph camp was organized for guarandians of students of Whizkids pl. . .
Rotary Club of Nalanda organized a free mega health check up cum pp. . .
Today 2nd Health Awareness Camp was organized at Model School Bhais. . .
A Quiz contest was organised at the government school of class eigh. . .
A health awareness program was organised by Rotary nalanda and govt. . .
fifty fruit giving plants were planted at maghra .
A blood donation camp was organized at Sadar Hospital Bihar Sharif
on 1st July rotary nalanda organised his 4th project of the day by . . .
50 mahogni plants were planted at Sunita Shree Gas Godown
Members of the Rotary Club Nalanda started their Rotary New Year by. . .